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I hear this sentence quite often when the topic of professional orientation comes up in random conversations and I tell them that I work as a midlife and golden age coach. Usually, this sentence is accompanied by a feeling of resignation, but sometimes also something condescending, and my conversation partners either change the subject without further comment or explain to me why coaching is a completely superfluous phenomenon of our time and won't help you anyway.
Both reactions are probably caused by the fear that I could subject them to a public coaching trial right now. That's why the topic is either ignored or talked into the ground. I can assure you that we good coaches are pretty good at putting away our professional role and are just normal people in everyday life.
If you were to draw a comparison, you could say we're a bit like cosmetic surgeons. They also see a lot of potential for their business all day long, but they are also good at keeping it to themselves - unless they are actively asked for help.
But now back to the real question: is coaching at 50+ just a waste of time and money?
And here I give a clear yes - under certain conditions yes! When it comes to people who go through life with the same attitude as the people I mentioned at the beginning.
These are, for example, people with a negative attitude towards coaching without ever having worked with a coach or people who don't want to invest the energy to work through certain areas of their lives and perhaps even improve them.
Or people with a very conservative and narrow-minded attitude to life who believe that their life is just the way it is and that nothing can be changed.
Midlife and Golden Age coaching is also useless for people who are convinced that they have already seen and done enough in the course of their lives and that the life experience they have gained is more than enough for themselves and all subsequent generations of the family.
And last but not least, such coaching is certainly a waste of time and money if you are convinced that a coach, or simply all other people in general , cannot tell you how things work anyway - after all, what do the others know?
A prejudiced attitude towards the coaching process or personality work in general is a very big hurdle that must first be overcome in order to be able to work effectively in coaching. But once this has been achieved, an enormous number of opportunities suddenly open up almost by themselves.
Coaching for people in midlife or golden age, i.e. from around the age of 40 up to and through the third stage of life, can be an enormously supportive and enriching experience. During this time, people can experience various challenges and issues that create the need for support and change.
In midlife and golden age, people have already gained a lot of life experience and may be looking for meaning, fulfillment and personal growth. In this context, coaching can help to improve quality of life, set individual goals and overcome obstacles.
A coach can be a helpful support in the ongoing shaping or perhaps even completely new direction of your own life. Ultimately, it is about recognizing your wishes and needs and then fulfilling them through a structured approach.
Here are a few areas of coaching support for people in their middle and golden years:
Deeper self-knowledge
Coaching can help people to understand themselves better. This can include recognizing their own values, abilities, strengths and weaknesses, as well as clarifying their own life goals and priorities. Midlife coaching has an additional charm. On the one hand, the client has already gained sufficient life experience in many different areas over the past few years and has done many things and experienced many things. They have already developed a certain awareness of themselves and their own behavioral patterns, and yet there is still the uncertain feeling that their previous life cannot have been everything. You want to understand why you are the way you are and, above all, what else is possible.
A coaching process allows the client to better understand themselves, recognize their strengths and weaknesses and strengthen their self-confidence. Strong self-confidence is often the basis for a fulfilled life.
On the other hand, it is an advantage that the coach has usually already reached the midlife or golden age and can use their own experience to support the client in the process.
Many people experience a desire for change in the middle of their lives with regard to their career, relationships or life goals. Is it a business idea that is completely contrary to their previous job and has become a matter close to their heart? Do you want to live on a South Sea island for once in your life or live out your sexual reorientation?
A coach can support and guide you in identifying new goals and developing strategies to achieve them.
Develop flexibility and adaptability
The client learns to deal with change and adapt to new situations. This is particularly important in a constantly changing world. One learns that change is a natural part of life and develops an open attitude to new ideas, approaches and perspectives.
Developing flexibility and adaptability requires conscious effort and continuous practice, which can be supported by a coaching process.
Coping with stress
The stresses of professional and private life can often increase in middle age. Women are often stuck in an unpleasant multiple role as mother, employee, wife, cook, friend, organizer and much more. Often enough, we put our needs on the back burner in order to cope with the stresses of everyday life. Stress management can increase overall life satisfaction and reduce the impact of stress on your health.
Coaching support can provide helpful stress management techniques and help you to develop a more balanced lifestyle. A strategy can also be developed to minimize and redistribute mental load.
Better relationship management
This phase of life can also bring about changes in personal relationships. Long-term relationships face challenges such as divorce, affairs, boredom, listlessness or habit. Family structures change because children move out, people die or leave the family and friendships change because interests are no longer the same as at the beginning.
By working on themselves, clients can also improve their relationships with others. Positive personal development can lead to better interpersonal skills, more empathy and a deeper understanding of others.
Coaching can help to manage conflict, improve communication skills and strengthen relationships, be it family, friendships or romantic relationships.
Health and well-being
Our physical needs change with age. Be it nutrition, sport or the changes we women experience during the menopause. These changes can turn our lives upside down and it is usually easier to get support.
A coach can help people to improve their health and well-being. This can be done by promoting healthy lifestyle habits, reducing stress and developing self-care practices.
Personal growth
Midlife and Golden Age coaching can help clients to develop their personal potential and grow personally. This can be meaningful both professionally and individually. This can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose in life.
Personal growth means being open to new ideas and learning opportunities. This encourages lifelong learning, which is not only intellectually stimulating, but also helps to stay mentally agile.
Overall, personal growth can help you lead a more fulfilling, balanced and meaningful life. It is an ongoing process that involves self-reflection, learning and adaptation.
Through personal growth, life can improve in various areas, including physical and mental health, relationships, career satisfaction and enjoyment of life.
Review and outlook
Through a structured review and outlook, you can gain a clear perspective on the past and at the same time plan concrete steps for the future. Clients reflect on what has happened in the past and analyze successes, challenges and learning experiences. Listing important events and milestones and assessing which of these were particularly significant or instructive is also an important step for further development.
Coaching often enables a reflective review of past experiences in order to learn from them and at the same time promotes a positive outlook for the future.
Coping with life transitions
Moving between different phases of life such as parenthood or retirement, relocations, career changes, health events and the loss of loved ones can be quite challenging. Life transitions can include both positive and challenging aspects and often require adjustments and new coping strategies
Coaching can help support people through important life transitions, whether in their career, relationships or personal life.
Reflection and finding meaning
In "midlife and golden age", people often take the time to reflect on their life goals and values. This involves a conscious and critical examination of one's own thoughts, experiences, actions or ideas. Reflection enables people to question their own values, beliefs and decisions and can help to promote personal growth and learning.
Finding meaning refers to the search for a deeper purpose or significance in life. It is about finding out what makes life fulfilling and meaningful. This process can be spiritual, existential or personal. People often strive to find meaning in their lives by identifying their values, passions and personal goals. Finding meaning can also be linked to the question of the "why" of our actions and lives.
Coaching can help to create clarity and define new goals.
Career and retirement planning
Career and retirement planning is a lifelong process that requires a careful strategic approach. It requires time, commitment and flexibility. It is important that plans are regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure they meet changing goals and life circumstances. Topics such as financial planning, health care, lifestyle analysis and engagement opportunities are just a few examples of this topic.
When people are preparing for retirement or considering a career change, coaching can help them to develop realistic plans and support their implementation.
Coaching can therefore be enormously enriching, especially from midlife onwards. With a certain amount of life experience under your belt and the desire to develop yourself further, a coaching process is the booster you need to achieve your goals. Not all people are strong-willed and consistent enough to achieve life goals quickly and on their own. There are ups and downs in everything, no matter what we tackle, so it is more than helpful to have a supportive companion by your side to share your concerns, fears and euphoric moments.
So go for it and get support. Bring your innermost desires and needs to light and set off with the coach you trust. I wish you every success!
What experiences have you had with coaching? Do you have any questions or comments? Then write me your story in the comments or by email at
I look forward to hearing from you!