Are you looking for the fun in MidLife and GoldenAge? Then get my ideas and motivations here and be inspired!
Yes, absolutely!
martina braun
martina braun

Colorful moments that are uniquely yours!

How wonderful it would be... express yourself without words? connect with your creative and inventive powers? try things out without being judged for them? recognize fears and blockages independently and to change them gently? allow yourself to take time for yourself and to come to rest?
Art therapy does not require experts in artistic design, but people who are not afraid of dealing with their inner experiences and want to develop new perspectives and forms of behaviour.

Being artistically active, creating a piece of art and dealing with the material are central components of painting therapy.
We work in the painting studio either in a one-on-one setting (90 min) or in a small group (120 min), in each case accompanied by me as a therapist. 

The pictures are created intuitively, preferably by hand or alternatively with a brush on the wall.

Curious? Do you have any questions?

Then get in touch with me here or book your personal painting session in a one-to-one setting.

Art Therapy – Adults (One-on-one)

90 min
120 CHF

Art Therapy - Children and teens (One-on-one)

90 min
120 CHF
Book this offer – for more colour in your life!

Interested in painting in a small group?

Then get in touch and we'll find out if there is currently a place available in the group.

Test which mood type you are in old age
click here